Tips for the sinus sufferer
Some symptoms of sinusitis or a sinus infection are…. symptoms of upper respiratory infection lasting ten days or more facial pressure or pain nasal discharge that is yellow or green post-nasal drip cough At-Home Treatments For Sinusitis: saline nasal sprays that moisturize the nasal cavity, reduce dryness, and help clear […]
What are the signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis?

Acute sinusitis is a short-term condition that responds well to antibiotics and decongestants; chronic sinusitis is characterized by at least four recurrences of acute sinusitis. Either medication or surgery is a possible treatment. For acute sinusitis, symptoms include facial pain/pressure, nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, diminished sense of smell, and cough not due to asthma (in […]
See a sinus specialist in Meridian, Nampa or Fruitland
One out of 7 people suffer from the symptoms of pain and throbbing around the eyes, pain in the upper teeth, increased head pain when leaning forward or post-nasal drip. The Sinus Center- Idaho focuses entirely on the diagnosis and treatment of nasal and sinus problems. We are the first clinic in the Northwest to […]
If you are prone to sinus infection, follow these 3 tips:
1. Learn to use nasal saline/nasal washes on a consistent basis. 2. Get medical help when you cannot obtain/maintain relief yourself. 3. Do not give up of finding successful treatment. You do not have to “LIVE WITH” being sick and tired.
Why do we suffer from nasal and sinus discomfort?

The body’s nasal and sinus membranes have similar responses to viruses, allergic insults, and common bacterial infections. Membranes become swollen and congested. This congestion causes pain and pressure; mucus production increases during inflammation, resulting in a drippy, runny nose. These secretions may thicken over time, may slow in their drainage, and may predispose to future […]
Treatment for Sinus headache
Sinus headaches are associated with a swelling of the membranes lining the sinuses (spaces adjacent to the nasal passages). Pain occurs in the affected region – the result of air, pus, and mucus being trapped within the obstructed sinuses. The discomfort often occurs under the eye and in the upper teeth (disguised as a headache […]
Do non-prescription nose drops or sprays really work?
Use of nonprescription drops or sprays might help control symptoms. It’s important that they are not used beyond the label recommendation because non-prescription decongestant nasal sprays can aggravate symptoms and should not be used beyond their label recommendation. Saline nasal sprays or drops are safe for continuous use.
Sinus headaches
Not every headache is the consequence of sinus and nasal passage problems. For example, many patients visit an ear, nose, and throat specialist to seek treatment for a sinus headache and learn they actually have a migraine or tension headache. The confusion is common, a migraine can cause irritation of the trigeminal or fifth cranial […]
What can be done at home to relieve sinus pain?
Warm, moist air from a vaporizer or steam from a pan of boiled water (removed from the heat) can help sinus congestion. Humidifiers should be used only when a clean filter is in place to avoid spraying bacteria or fungal spores into the air. Warm compresses are also helpful to reduce pain in the nose and […]
When does acute sinusitis become chronic?
With acute sinusitis, it may be difficult to breathe through your nose. The area around your eyes and face might feel swollen, and you may have throbbing facial pain or a headache. When you have frequent sinusitis, or the infection lasts three months or more, it could be chronic sinusitis. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis may […]